Collier County Domestic Animal Services |

Address: 7610 Davis Boulevard Naples, Florida 34104
Phone: 239.252.PETS (7387)
Fax: 239.530.7775
Contact Person: Amanda Townsend
Hours: Mon. Wed. Fri. 8am-5pm
Tue. & Thr. 7am-7pm
Sat. 8am - 4pm
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Collier County Domestic Animal Services - Adopt a Pet!
Looking to adopt a pet?
Collier County Domestic Animal Services offers a wide selection of animals. We invite you to search for your future canine or feline, and do not forget we also have rabbits, ferrets, gerbils and guinea pigs for adoption regularly.
Collier County Domestic Animal Services - FAQ's
What is Domestic Animal Services?
Every day Collier County Domestic Animal Services cares for the community by:
1. Educating the public regarding responsible pet ownership.
2. Enforcing county animal control ordinances and state
statutes that relate to domestic animals, including cruelty investigation.
3. Impounding and sheltering all Collier County stray animals.
4. Providing an adoption program for unclaimed strays and surrendered animals.
5. Administering Collier County's pet licensing program.
6. Inspection of all pet stores, groomers, stables, and animal exhibits within Collier County.
7. Bite case investigations and rabies control.
What is considered to be a Domestic Animal?
A domestic animal is any animal kept as a pet or raised as livestock. While domestic normally means dogs and cats, it also includes other unique and unusual household petssuch as iiguanas, snakes, and farm animals such as horses, cows, llamas, goats, and pigs.
Licensing your pet is not only the law - It's important!
A County License tag worn on pets' collars is the primary pet identification used by Collier County Domestic Animal Services. All other ID is considered secondary, however microchip wands are used as an additional search for pets' owners. Collier County impounds more than 9,000 animals every year. Of those animals, 1,000 animals are wearing licenses, which enables the shelter to contact the animals' owners immediately to return the animal home.
An astonishing 95% of lost pets found with a tag make it back home. A Collier County license may be obtained through most local veterinarians or at the Domestic Animal Services shelter located at 7610 Davis Blvd. in central Collier County.
Educational Programs
Domestic Animal Services (DAS) offers a number of educational programs for schools, community groups, associations, and other interested groups. If you would like a DAS Animal Control Officer or other staff members as a guest speaker or for a seminar in your school, club, or organization, call DAS at 239.252.PETS (7387).
Spaying and Neutering
Spaying and neutering is important not only for an animal’s health but also to help reduce the growing pet population. Domestic Animal Services spay and neuters all cats adopted from the shelter. It is now also mandatory that if you pick up your lost cat or dog that it be spayed or neutered before returning home with you at the owner’s expense.
Collier County Domestic Animal Services - "Happy Tails" Television!
Domestic Animal Services (DAS) hosts a half hour bi-monthly program on Comcast Ch. 97 with pets that are up for adoption. You never know what can happen, so tune in! "Happy Tails" airs every week with new shows beginning the first and third weeks of each month. If you dont get Ch. 97 you can click here to watch the television show.
"Happy Tails" began in July 2004 as an initiative to promote pet adoption and the services provided by DAS. To learn more call 239.252.PETS (7387).
Collier County Domestic Animal Services - Become a Volunteer!
Why become a Volunteer?
Volunteers are an intricate part of Domestic Animal Services' mission.
Thousands of hours are donated by caring individuals each year who provide continued success in improving pet adoption and general animal education.
If you are 15 years of age or older and love animals, then you may become a volunteer. Anyone under the age of 16 may volunteer with an guardian or family member as an escort.
What can you do as a Volunteer?
There is a variety of opportunity available for volunteers including assisting in the Kennel as an attendant, guest appearance on and involvement with the "Happy Tails" show, functioning as an adoption counselor, groomer and many other wonderful opportunities for you to make a difference in animals' lives.
How can you begin?
Prospective volunteers must attend an orientation and kennel tour. After the orientation and all necessary paperwork is done, you will be assigned your duties and welcomed into our family.
To learn more about Collier County Domestic Animal Services click here